Remix Medical Treatments
Cervical Epidural Injection
What is Cervical Epidural Injection? A cervical epidural injection is similar to what is administered to women in labor... -
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Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) Management
Being told that you or a loved one need(s) Total Parenteral Nutrition (or TPN for short) can be a source of stress.&nbs... -
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Cervical Medial Branch Block
What is a Cervical Medial Branch Block? A cervical medial branch block is a procedure that involves injecting a local an... -
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Discography Also known as disc stimulation testing, discography is used to diagnose pain resulting from disc damage. If... -
Acute and Chronic Illness
Acute health conditions occur suddenly, whereas chronic conditions produce symptoms that are ongoing. Occasionally, chro... -
Diabetes Screening And Prevention
The American Diabetes Association recommends diabetes testing for people who: are 40 years of age and older; are overwei... -
Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a dangerous sleep disorder that interferes with healthy breathing patterns during sleep. It is characteri... -
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care is a branch of medicine pertaining to the health of the spine, nervous system and musculoskeletal syst... -
Exercise Therapy
Exercise therapy is a valuable tool to doctors and orthopedists who are helping their patients rehabilitate injuries or... -
Spinal Decompression
More and more people are foregoing back surgery to give spinal decompression a try. Back decompression is a gentle and n... -
Ultrasound Therapy
Ultrasound therapy is the use of sound waves to treat medical problems, and in particular, those conditions that affect... -
Electrical Stimulation
Whenever you are recovering from an injury, stroke or fibromyalgia pain or any soft tissue conditions, the most benefici... -
Prone Adjusting
It is not unusual for people’s vertebrae to shift as they move about their daily activities. In fact, some people might... -
Care After Auto Accidents
According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 2 million people visit emergency departments annually for treatm... -
Sports Physicals
Playing sports and exercising is a fun way to stay healthy and fit. However, the physical demands of playing a sport or...